Exit Through The Garden

    This series was made out of necessity rather than creativity. I was fifteen years old when I started taking photos to understand the world around me. I was trying to figure out all these question I’d been haunted with—am I normal? am I smart? am I ok?—in this overbearing beach town I’d grown up in.  I turned to photography to create an objective record. The thought was that if there’s a photo of whatever made me feel this way there must be a way maybe I can trace it back into the landscape, or the people; and if i had a record of these places and people, then maybe I wouldn’t feel so other or so crazy or so lost beacuse i knew where that feeling came from. I would have a record of the town, the people, my friends that made me feel that way.
    What i ended up with was a record of a journey as we grew out of boyhood and found the outer limits of the bubble we’d grown up in. The creative journey I’d begun at 15 transformed the questions I was plagued with into knowledge as I found myself on the edge of some obscure oblivion, just beyond the horizon, off into something wester than the west coast.